Booking for February Half Term Early Holiday Club for nursery and reception age children is now open. If you are a non-Ashlands parent and would like to book a place, please contact the school office.

Ashlands Primary School

"Every child has the right to shine"

E Safety

Children use the internet as a valuable learning tool. While there is no doubt about its educational benefit there are also risks. At Ashlands, keeping safe online is built into our curriculum. Children are taught how to react if they see something inappropriate online. We discuss cyber bullying and also how to keep your personal information private.

For parents, the Child Exploitation and online safety agency have a wealth of information and advice. If you need to make an urgent report following an e-safety concern you can use their Report Abuse button. ( See CEOPS button on website)

Other useful links and resources for parents to help their children staying safe online

UK Safer internet A guide to popular devices which explains the safety tools available and provides guidance for parents in how they support their children to use technologies safely and responsibly.

Online safety in the computer curriculum This site gives information and resources linked to E-Safety across the Computing Curriculum for Key Stages 1-4

THINK YOU KNOW Provides information on popular sites and mobiles and devices.

How to manage settings on an iPhone, iPad iPod and iOS7

Google Family Safety Centre

CEO: Ms Helen Williams
Cowpasture Road Ilkley West Yorkshire LS29 8TR
The Multi Academy Trust is a Company incorporated in England and Wales, limited by guarantee with registered Company number 07663864