Booking for February Half Term Early Holiday Club for nursery and reception age children is now open. If you are a non-Ashlands parent and would like to book a place, please contact the school office.

Ashlands Primary School

"Every child has the right to shine"

Curriculum at Ashlands Primary School

Our Curriculum Intent

At Ashlands we are passionate about providing the children with a broad and balanced curriculum, which is rich and meaningful. We are committed to enhancing the curriculum that the children are offered, through using our excellent school grounds and all that the local community has to offer. We are committed to developing curious, ambitious, lifelong young learners who will leave us in Year 6 ready to go onto their next step of learning, feeling positive about themselves and well equipped to reach their full potential. Children at Ashlands leave us as: authors, historians, environmentalists, explorers, journalists, musicians, scientists, artists, designers, mathematicians, achievers – the ‘FUTURE’

Our vision is that ‘Every Child has the Right to Shine’ which encourages us to be ambitious for each and every learner in our care.

We have three ‘BEE’ drivers in place to enhance this offer (click here to understand more about our drivers):

Subjects are taught discreetly, under half-termly themes, however relevant links are made across subjects so that children understand how all learning is interlinked.

Please click the links below to understand more about each subject taught at Ashlands

Subject Curriculum Overviews

At Ashlands we believe it is essential to have high expectations of all children and motivate them to persevere and produce work of high quality. Ashlands curriculum was updated to reflect the 2014 National Curriculum for Key Stages 1 and 2 and the Statutory Framework for the early years foundation stage (2021).

National curriculum in England: primary curriculum – GOV.UK (

We aim to foster creativity, initiative, independence and problem solving skills. As a staff we strive to ensure that our children are fully equipped to become active and positive members of the wider community – to this end our curriculum is inspiring, creative, innovative and enjoyable with a relevant text, linked to theme, to enable the children to feel fully immersed in the learning. We believe in the value of a wide range of experiences and within the school year we plan Focus Weeks where the children deepen their understanding of specific areas of the curriculum.

Trips and visitors are organised to enrich the children’s learning and through these, the linked texts and our integrated approach, children can be fully immersed in their learning.

Parents are informed and updated about current themes and events via a half-termly Curriculum Newsletter.

Extra-curricular opportunities are inherent to learning alongside the academic. We offer a wide range of clubs and activities, including football, chess, dance, cross country and many others. Children are encouraged to follow their interests, ‘seize the RIGHT TO SHINE’ and participate in extra-curricular activities, whatever their ability. Children regularly represent the school in competitions and we are proud of our strong reputation for producing successful teams in local events.

We provide opportunities for children to develop their musical skills through peripatetic tuition and various clubs, including the school choir and ‘Razzamatazz’ – our thriving orchestra. At present children in Year 2 have the opportunity to be taught violin and children in Year 4 are taught ukelele, both as a whole class. ‘Celebration Assemblies’ and ‘Share and Celebrate’ sessions are where parents are welcomed into school to see first-hand their children’s work. Our classrooms and corridors are a colourful and informative reflection of our high standard of teaching and learning.

To enrich the children’s learning, Forest school’s activities are incorporated into the children’s experiences at Ashlands. We also now have the exciting luxury of our own Wildlife Garden where other outdoor learning opportunities can be developed: bee hives, vegetable plots, outdoor classrooms where learning can take place in all weathers and throughout the year.

Children’s individual achievements are recognised through our House point system and weekly assemblies in which we share successes in learning and personal development.

School Visits and Residential Trips

School visits take place throughout the year, linking with topics studied in the classroom. A voluntary contribution towards the cost of these visits is normally requested. All visits / trips are covered by personal and all risk insurance. We also offer a residential trip, at a cost, for the Year 6 pupils.

Children who qualify for Pupil Premium are entitled to free educational visits. They also qualify for a 50% reduction on residential trips.

CEO: Ms Helen Williams
Cowpasture Road Ilkley West Yorkshire LS29 8TR
The Multi Academy Trust is a Company incorporated in England and Wales, limited by guarantee with registered Company number 07663864