Welcome back for the Autumn Term

Ashlands Primary School

"Every child has the right to shine"

Financial Reporting at Ashlands

Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) – School’s Income, Expenditure and Balances.

Please follow this link to the school’s information on the DfE’s national school’s benchmarking website:


Here you can view the school’s income, expenditure and balances as well as compare these with other maintained schools and academies. The information on the website is updated annually by the DfE using the Consistent Financial Reporting (CFR) statements that are submitted by the school to the DfE in the summer term.

Reporting Salaries of High Paid Staff

All local authority maintained schools are required to publish annually on their websites the number of individuals (if any) earning over £100K a year.

At 01.09.24 no staff at the school earn more than £100K a year.

CEO: Ms Helen Williams
Cowpasture Road Ilkley West Yorkshire LS29 8TR
The Multi Academy Trust is a Company incorporated in England and Wales, limited by guarantee with registered Company number 07663864