Booking for February Half Term Early Holiday Club for nursery and reception age children is now open. If you are a non-Ashlands parent and would like to book a place, please contact the school office.

Ashlands Primary School

"Every child has the right to shine"

Values and Ethos

Ashlands Primary School ‘Where every child has the right to shine’

At Ashlands we aim is for every child to strive to reach their potential in whatever area they flourish in and to feel safe and be nurtured to achieve their best.

Ashlands will provide every child with opportunities to develop knowledge, skills and understanding to make their way and contribute to our society.

Children who leave Ashlands will be curious, resilient and enquiring learners who celebrate each other’s differences and have a responsible and caring attitude to everyone.

Learning at Ashlands will be dynamic, creative, engaging and broad providing every child with exposure to a range of work and keeping the child’s experience at the heart of everything that we do.

Ashlands Primary school will play its part in helping all learners to become members of a welcoming and cohesive community to fit them for life in the United Kingdom whose population has an increasingly rich diversity of backgrounds, origins, beliefs and cultures. Children will be taught British values through a range of subjects and inputs through the life of the school. We will help all to belong and to feel equally valued as members of our school and as citizens and residents of the United Kingdom.

At Ashlands we define the key elements of British Values as:

  • Equality.
  • Democracy.
  • Rule of Law.
  • Individual liberty.
  • Mutual Respect.
  • Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.

These will be used as themes for assemblies, displays around school and discussions with children and staff.

CEO: Ms Helen Williams
Cowpasture Road Ilkley West Yorkshire LS29 8TR
The Multi Academy Trust is a Company incorporated in England and Wales, limited by guarantee with registered Company number 07663864